Taking Care Of The Environment By Switching To Metal Straws: Is This Really Effective?

There are many ways for us to help save the environment. When we were little kids, we were taught how to dispose of our trash properly and not just throw them anywhere. Later on, we were taught how to segregate our wastes so that they can be managed more efficiently for disposal. Likewise, we also learned about the importance of recycling so that we can minimize the number of materials that we immediately throw away after use. In this digital age, we can even host a website while saving the environment.

As we grow older, we can see a much wider picture of what is really happening in our surroundings. The sad truth is that as long as we continue with our old ways, our environment will continue to suffer. While there are actual efforts to save the environment, institutionalized human practices such as manufacturing and usage of plastics negate whatever we are trying to do to help clean up our world. There are popular suggestions that can easily catch our attention in saving the environment, and one of those is to start using metal and bamboo straws instead of the regular plastic straws.

This one has potential of starting a domino effect of awareness for the environment, but the question is, will this suffice to actually protect mother nature?

Use Of Metal Straw May Be Less Damaging, But It Does Not Mean That There Will Be No Negative Setbacks

By using metal straws, one can avoid throwing dozens of plastic straws every day after drinking beverages in stores and fast-food restaurants. We can just buy one metal straw and bring it wherever we go. The good thing here is that we can just wash the metal straw after use, and its expected useful life is quite long, thanks to its reliable material.

All these things mentioned earlier may entice you to buy your own metal straw today, but many of us do not know that manufacturing metal straw already introduces toxic chemicals into the environment. Granted, the use of metal straws can help minimize the number of plastic straws disposed of daily, but the problem lies with the production of this supposed eco-friendly straw.

Cleaning the environment is not as easy as cleaning a home. The simple use of a cleaning device isn’t enough to clean the environment. Let’s protect our environment much like we protect our homes with security cams (Ring 2 vs Ring Pro). What it really needs is teamwork and cooperation from each and every individual living on this planet.